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Optimization of parameters that affect wear of A356/Al2O3 nanocomposites using RSM, ANN, GA and PSO methods
Blaža Stojanović, Sandra Gajević, Nenad Kostić, Slavica Miladinović and Aleksandar Vencl Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 74(3) 350 (2022)
Wear Characteristics of Double Ceramic Particulate Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Composite
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Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology
Mukesh Kumar, R. K. Gupta, Anand Pandey, Rahul Goyal and Ashish Goyal Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Proceedings of International Conference in Mechanical and Energy Technology 174 415 (2020)
Effect of reinforcement on mechanical characteristics of A356 alloy nanocomposites
S Velickovic, B Stojanović, Z Djordjević, S Miladinović and J Blagojević IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 659(1) 012039 (2019)
Tribological behaviour of ceramic and carbon nano-tube reinforced metal matrix composites - a review