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Current Applications of Machine Learning in Additive Manufacturing: A Review on Challenges and Future Trends
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Choosing between additive and conventional manufacturing of spare parts: on the impact of failure rate uncertainties and the tools to reduce them
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Laser Polishing of Directed Energy Deposition Metal Parts: A Review
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Handbook of Research on Advancements in the Processing, Characterization, and Application of Lightweight Materials
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Metal Additive Manufacturing for Propulsion Applications
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A Review- Modelling Approach and Numerical Analysis of Additive Manufacturing
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Additive Manufacturing Hybrid Processes for Composites Systems
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Heat source model calibration for thermal analysis of laser powder-bed fusion
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Development of a simulation approach for laser powder bed fusion based on scanning strategy selection
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An Overview of Additive Manufacturing of Polymers and Associated Composites
Cement-based additive manufacturing: experimental investigation of process quality
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Block-based Analytical Hierarchy Process applied for the evaluation of Construction Sector Additive Manufacturing