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Study on Bonding Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Treated by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Process and Polymer Resin Bonded by Direct Injection Molding
Experimental study on properties and structure of magnesium alloy/PC/ABS hybrid materials prepared by hot-press molding technology
Jie Qiu, Di Cai, Xinxin Zhang, Qingyun Zhao, Weili Zhang, Youbing Li, Tian Xia and Chaolong Yang Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 37(19) 2667 (2023)
Exploring the Bonding Mechanism of Plastic-Metal Direct Joints through In-Situ Failure Analysis using Transmission Electron Microscopy
In Situ Strain Distribution Measurement of Polyphenylene Sulfide-Aluminum Injection-Molded Direct Joints Using Synchrotron Radiation Microbeam X-ray Diffraction
Yoshihiro Kishida, Hidehiko Kimura, Azusa Tsukigase, Natsu Sakakura, Hiroaki Yoneyama and Kazuhiko Umemoto Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 95(4) 559 (2022)
Analyses of the Adhesion Interphase of Isotactic Polypropylene Using Hot-Melt Polyolefin Adhesives
Evaluation of Toughness and Durability under High Temperature andHigh Humidity of Adhesive Joints of Aluminumand Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Thermoplastics