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Synergistically achieving high strength and impact toughness in Ti–6Al–4V-0.5Mo-0.5Zr alloy pipe with bimodal microstructure
Shuxian Peng, Yikui Liu, Mingzhu Fu, Yuanlong Liang, Kai Zhang, Chun Feng, Weizhong Feng, Pinghui Zhang and Huiqun Liu Materials Science and Engineering: A 895 146217 (2024)
Miniaturised experimental simulation and combined modelling of open-die forging of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
David Connolly, Mathieu Fabris, Giribaskar Sivaswamy, Salaheddin Rahimi and Vassili Vorontsov Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2024)
Effect of Initial Microstructure on the Temperature Dependence of the Flow Stress and Deformation Microstructure under Uniaxial Compression of Ti-407