10 Years of Manufacturing Review: A Promising Future Ahead

We are delighted to announce that Manufacturing Review is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Prof. Yi Qin and supported by an esteemed team of international Associate Editors and Editorial Board members, the journal has consistently published outstanding original research papers. Our focus spans a broad range of topics, including materials for advanced manufacturing, nano-manufacturing methods and technology, advanced metrology, instrumentation, quality assurance, testing and inspection, among others (read the Aims and Scope for more details).
Since 2016, Manufacturing Review is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The journal has also been awarded the prestigious DOAJ Seal for demonstrating “best practice in open access publishing”. The journal is indexed in the most important indexation bases as Scopus, EI Compendex and Web of Science (ESCI). In 2023, it received its first Impact factor (2022 IF Impact Factor 2.5 and 5-Year IF 2.9). The 2023 Impact factor is: 1.9 (2023 5-Year IF 2.2).
To celebrate this milestone, we have prepared a selection of the most downloaded and most cited articles.
10 most downloaded papers since the creation of the journal (2014)
1. “Global perspective and African outlook on additive manufacturing research - an overview” (Desmond Edem Primus Klenam et al.) read
2. "Materials, properties, manufacturing methods and cutting performance of innovative ceramic cutting tools − a review” (Sergey N. Grigoriev, Sergey V. Fedorov and Khaled Hamdy)" read
3. “A review on solid riveting techniques in aircraft assembling” (Hongwei Zhao et al.) read
4. “Carbon materials: structures, properties, synthesis and applications” (Jiang Li, Deqiang Yin and Yi Qin) read
5. “Manufacturing nanomaterials: from research to industry” (Costas A. Charitidis et al.) read
6. “An overview of conventional and non-conventional techniques for machining of titanium alloys” (Samuel Ranti Oke et al.) read
7. “A comprehensive review on the deformation behavior of refractory high entropy alloys at elevated temperatures” (Olufemi Sylvester Bamisaye et al.) read
8. “A combination method for multi-criteria decision making problem in turning process” (Do Duc Trung) read
9. “Powder-bed additive manufacturing for aerospace application: Techniques, metallic and metal/ceramic composite materials and trends” (Alexander Katz-Demyanetz et al.) read
10. “Nanofluids, micro-lubrications and machining process optimisations - a review” (Rahul R. Chakule et al.) read
10 most cited papers since the indexation in Web of Science (2019)
1. “Powder-bed additive manufacturing for aerospace application: Techniques, metallic and metal/ceramic composite materials and trends” (Alexander Katz-Demyanetz et al.) read
2. “Additive manufacturing of TiAl-based alloys” (Thywill Cephas Dzogbewu) read
3. “Hybrid additive manufacturing of steels and alloys” (Vladimir V. Popov Jr. and Alexander Fleisher) read
4. “Materials, properties, manufacturing methods and cutting performance of innovative ceramic cutting tools − a review” (Sergey N. Grigoriev, Sergey V. Fedorov and Khaled Hamdy) read
5. “An overview on economic machining of hardened steels by hard turning and its process variables” (Abhishek Anand, Ajay Kumar Behera and Sudhansu Ranjan Das) read
6. “A comparative review on cold gas dynamic spraying processes and technologies” (Sunday Temitope Oyinbo and Tien-Chien Jen) read
7. “Weldability of S700MC steel welded with the hybrid plasma + MAG method” (Beata Skowrońska, Tomasz Chmielewski, Dariusz Golański and Jacek Szulc) read
8. “A review on optimization of machining performances and recent developments in electro discharge machining” (Binayaka Nahak and Ankur Gupta) read
9. “Effect of processing factors on the characteristics of centrifugal casting” (Shubhashree Mohapatra, Hrushikesh Sarangi and Upendra Kumar Mohanty) read
10. “Review on globularization of titanium alloy with lamellar colony” (Jian Zhang, Hongwei Li and Mei Zhan) read
We are confident that Manufacturing Review will continue to achieve further successes, given its strong foundation of high-quality research and promising contributions to the field.