Issue |
Manufacturing Rev.
Volume 9, 2022
Article Number | 19 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 July 2022 |
Research Article
Multi-objects optimization in μ-EDM using AlCrN coated tungsten carbide electrode by Deng's method
Hanoi University of Industry, No. 298, CauDien Street, Bac TuLiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department, RIT, Rajaramnagar affiliated to SUK, Maharashtra, India
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In machining, the use of appropriate optimization method will significantly contribute in improving the economic and technical efficiency. Currently, there are many techniques used for multi-objective decisions in electrical discharge machining (EDM) and micro-EDM. This may create mistakes in choosing the optimal solution for each problem and mislead the optimum solution. Therefore, it is necessary to have research directions to be able to come up with a reasonable optimal method. In this study, the author has studied multi-targeting decisions in micro-EDM using coated electrode. Experiments were performed using Ti-6Al-4V as a workpiece material and AlCrN coated Tungsten carbide (WC) micro tool electrode. Deng's method was used to decide the optimized level of depth of machining (Z Co-Ordinate) and overcut (OC) in micro-EDM using the coated electrode. Research results are analyzed and evaluated with several other multi-objective decision methods. The results indicated that Deng's method was the suitable method for this study and the machined surface quality of the coated electrode was also analyzed.
Key words: Micro-EDM / coated electrode / Deng' / s method
© D. Pham Van et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2022
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