Open Access

Table 6.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the heat affected zone (HAZ).

Mean by factor level
Degree of freedom (DOF) Sum of square (SS) Mean square (V) Value of Fcalculated Contribution percentage P (%)
1 2 3
X1: Power
1.222 2.002 4.201 2 0.5303 0.2652 139.58 85.59%
X2: Pressure
1.927 2.540 2.958 2 0.0597 0.0299 15.74 9.64%
X3: Frequency [pooled factor]
2.550 2.557 2.318 2 0.0041
X4: Cutting speed [pooled factor]
2.776 2.333 2.316 2 0.0151
X1 · X2: Interaction factor[pooled factor]
2.400 2.449 2.576 4 0.0018
X1 · X3: Interaction factor [pooled factor]
2.446 2.516 2.463 4 0.0003
X1 · X4: Interaction factor [pooled factor]
2.512 2.441 2.472 4 0.00026
Error 16 0.0296 0.0019 4.77%
Total 26 0.6196 100%

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