Open Access

Table 1.

Parameters and variables of decision.

Index/parameters/variables Descriptions
i Order index
j Costumer value
k Batch index
T Planning horizon
PCi Order i Production cost
SCii Order i′ Preparation cost if order i is before that
HCi Order i Maintenance cost
Ri Order i income
Pi Order i processing time
DCj Each time delivery cost to the costumer j
Oij Equal 1: if order i is related to costumer j otherwise equal 0
STii Order i′ Preparation time if order i is before that
Si Order i start time
Ci Order i completion time
deli Order i delivery time
Ck Batch k completion time
Aj Quantity of delivered batch to the costumers
Xi Equal 1: if order i is accepted otherwise equal 0
Zik Equal 1: if order i is related to batch k otherwise equal 0
Zjk Equal 1: if batch k is related to costumer j otherwise equal 0
Yii Equal 1: if order i′ is processed after order i otherwise equal 0

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