Table 3

Summary of precipitation progress during artificial-ageing/creep-ageing of AA2050 with WQ, T34 and T84 initial tempers at 155 °C (summarised from [6,13,16,19]).

Initial temper Initial state Precipitation progress Final state
WQ SSSS Nucleation and growth of GP zones and δ  → Nucleation and growth of T1 and minor θ /S T 1 and δ with minor θ /S (24 h)
T34 Cu-rich clusters Dissolution of Cu clusters → Nucleation and growth of precipitates (mainly T 1 with minor θ ) T 1 with minor θ (18 h)
T84 T 1 with minor θ Coarsening of T 1 (slight increase in precipitate length and volume fraction) T 1 with minor θ (50 h)

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