Table 3

Experimental results (Decision Matrix).

Run No. MRR PFE Rlt SR
1 0.16165 32 0.4352 0.12
2 0.18472 37.42 0.5005 0.13
3 0.16919 42.44 0.5832 0.18
4 0.44324 33.43 0.759 0.36
5 0.61976 43.5 0.873377 0.37
6 0.68714 47 0.9156 0.4
7 1.03758 47.8 0.8352 0.55
8 1.37164 58.7 0.7434 0.77
9 1.06481 58.99 1.224 1.13
10 1.22939 63.34 1.1184 1.21
11 1.54538 67.52 1.157801 1.23
12 2.66744 70.12 0.76075 1.44
13 1.68146 61.34 1.15758 1.324
14 2.09089 64.1 0.9702 1.44
15 2.86124 68.45 1.156 1.76
16 3.373203 65.66 0.946 1.77
17 4.154434 64 0.8064 1.82
18 2.744265 65.22 2.33472 1.91
19 2.574495 74.31 2.32646 1.94
20 2.66199 74.72 2.5233 2.01
21 2.6599936 77.86 2.584 2.11
22 2.85260745 73.21 2.384826 2.21
23 2.78889368 74.67 2.527525 2.24
24 3.3775638 78.45 2.52175 2.27
25 4.83385695 80.23 1.58179 2.35
26 4.38932833 82.34 2.06804 2.35
27 6.33651777 85.46 1.242376 2.4

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