Table 1

PBF techniques.

Method Benefits Fe-based alloys Other metals References
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Manufacturing of functional polymer parts;
High accuracy and surface quality compared to FDM parts;
Nylon, PA, polymers, polymer-based composites [1517]
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) High geometrical complicity of the parts;
Higher accuracy compared to EBM parts
Stainless steel;
Tool steel; H13;
Maraging steel
Ni-based super alloys;
Ti-alloys, Al-alloys;
Electron Beam Melting (EBM) High geometrical complicity of the parts;
No (extra low) residual stress;
Vacuum environment, no gas infusions in the product;
Less amount of supports;
Stainless steel (SS316L) Ti-alloys; Co-Cr; Inconel 625; TiAl [2125]
Binder Jetting Printing (BJP) Geometrical complicity;
No supports;
Capability to produce Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) and Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)
SS316L Sand, ceramics [2628]

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