Open Access

Table 4

Wear rate and coefficient of friction.

Ex. No Load (N) Sliding velocity (m/s) Sliding distance (m) Initial volume (mm3) Final volume (mm3) Volume loss (mm3) Frictional force (N) Wear rate (mm3/m) Coefficient of friction
1 10 2 1000 2366.393 2362.859 3.534226 3.52 0.003534 0.3521
2 10 2.4 1150 2369.924 2365.369 4.555432 4.03 0.003961 0.4032
3 10 2.7 1300 2392.405 2387.928 4.476935 3.78 0.003444 0.3781
4 20 2 1150 2396.045 2392.746 3.298735 2.21 0.002868 0.1105
5 20 2.4 1300 2288.035 2283.715 4.319568 13.52 0.003323 0.6760
6 20 2.7 1000 2381.2 2374.288 6.911458 7.21 0.006911 0.3605
7 30 2 1300 2265.799 2251.033 14.76525 8.47 0.011358 0.2823
8 30 2.4 1000 2330.747 2313.154 17.59263 11.75 0.017593 0.3916
9 30 2.7 1150 2377.509 2371.147 6.361607 11.44 0.005532 0.3813

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