Open Access
Table 6
Cost estimation in electrical discharge machining of Al-SiC MMC.
Specific basic variables | In minutes | Costs | In Indian rupees |
Workpiece clamping and positioning time, Tclamp | 5 | Cost of each electrode, Celcd | Rs.15 |
Electrode positioning and zeroing time, Tp | 1 | Cost of machine working per minute, Cmach/min | Rs.8.33 |
Electrode drawing out time, Tedr | 1 | Cost of machine operator per minute, Cop/min | Rs.5.83 |
Single hole drilling time at optimum machining conditions, Td | 11.5 | Total machining cost per component, Ctot {(Celcd) + (Ttot*Cmach/min) + [(Tclamp + Tedr)*1.2*Cop/min]} | Rs. 211.08 |
Total machining time per component, Ttot (Tclamp + Tp + Tedr + Td) | 18.5 |
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