Open Access
Table 2
Effect of different dielectric fluids on titanium alloys under eclectic discharged machining.
Dielectric fluids | Powder Additives/ Compositions | Alloys | Effect | Ref. |
EDM oil | B4C | Ti-6Al-4V | MRR increased; Ra reduced; and EWR increased. | [136] |
EDM oil | Al,Cr,SiC, Fe | γTiAl | Al gave the highest MRR and lowest Ra among the additives. | [137] |
Pure water | SiC | Ti-6Al-4V | MRR increased; Ra reduced. | [138] |
Pure water | Urea | CP-Ti | MRR improved; EWR increased; and wear resistance of machined surface of workpiece improved due to formation of TiN thin layer. | [139] |
Distilled water | – | Ti-6Al-4V | Distilled water showed superior performance in comparison with kerosene in terms of improved MRR and surface finish | [140] |
Kerosene | SiC, Al | Ti-6Al-4V | SiC mixed with kerosene offered the best MRR. Using either Al or SiC led to inferior surface roughness | [141] |
Compound dielectric fluid | Water, tap water and 0.5 vol. % hydrogen peroxide | TC4 | MRR, EWR and Ra are all improved in comparison with kerosene and distilled water. | [135] |
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