Open Access

Table 4

Experimental condition and results.

S. no S (m/ min) f (mm/rev) ap (m) Exp., Results Predicted by RSM Predicted by FEA

Fz (N) θ (°C) Fz (N) θ(°C) Fz (N) θ(°C) Effective stress (MPa)
1 125 0.10 0.25 275 285 279 311 285 290 300
2 125 0.20 0.40 383 425 350 444 380 430 480
3 125 0.30 0.60 410 630 420 590 390 650 600
4 175 0.10 0.40 310 385 308 407 315 390 390
5 175 0.20 0.60 378 535 378 553 385 545 630
6 175 0.30 0.25 415 590 467 549 410 610 655
7 200 0.10 0.60 298 525 318 489 290 535 610
8 200 0.20 0.25 422 565 407 485 415 555 635
9 200 0.30 0.40 520 530 479 618 515 510 750

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