Open Access

Table 13

Ranking of alternatives for different weighting methods.

Trial. Criteria Weighting methods

MRR (mm3/min) Fc (N) Rz (μm) Equal weight ROC weight RS weight Entropy method
A1 5892 128 4.91 25 17 20 17
A2 6128 118 4.11 5 10 7 9
A3 6523 120 4.55 7 5 5 5
A4 6395 123 4.56 12 9 8 8
A5 6129 120 4.4 11 12 11 12
A6 5569 123 4.32 21 18 18 18
A7 5235 116 3.88 9 19 17 19
A8 5702 120 4.4 17 15 15 15
A9 5269 119 4.46 22 23 22 25
A10 4892 111 3.98 13 24 19 26
A11 6524 110 4.01 3 3 3 3
A12 5689 113 4.26 8 14 14 14
A13 5512 126 4.74 26 21 26 22
A14 6582 124 5.13 20 7 10 10
A15 5834 116 4.28 10 13 12 13
A16 6924 118 4.42 1 1 1 1
A17 6596 115 4.16 2 4 2 4
A18 6952 121 4.53 4 2 4 2
A19 6524 126 4.69 15 8 9 6
A20 5362 124 4.52 24 25 25 23
A21 4206 120 4.12 27 27 27 27
A22 4857 119 3.73 14 26 23 24
A23 5695 120 4.4 18 16 16 16
A24 5425 124 4.54 23 20 24 20
A25 6325 125 4.71 19 11 13 11
A26 6321 116 4.44 6 6 6 7
A27 5125 117 4.06 16 22 21 21

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