Open Access
Table 2
Typical benefits of classes of AM methods and various applications with typical resolutions.
AM Method | Classes of materials | Merits | Demerits | Applications | Resolution (μm) |
References |
PBF (SLM) | Metals | Good mechanical properties Fabrication of complex geometry No need for extra support Highly dense |
Not cost effective Development of residual stresses Product with rough surfaces Tedious and time consuming |
Biomedical Shipbuilding Automotive Aerospace |
80–250 | [81–90] |
PBF (EDM) | Metals | Great mechanical properties Great for complex geometry No additional support needed |
Astronomical in terms of cost Poor surface quality Time consuming process |
Automotive Biomedical Aerospace Marine |
50–100 | [89,92] |
PBF (SLS) | Polymer Metals |
Good mechanical properties Fabrication of complex geometry No additional support needed Great for powder processing |
Energy efficiency is low Astronomical in terms of cost Low density |
Biomedical Marine Automotive Aerospace |
76–100 | [89–91] |
DED | Metals Ceramics Polymers |
Good mechanical properties Fast cooling and solidification Cheap processing route Efficient processing and repair time |
Low resolution Low surface quality of product Not great for complex parts |
Aerospace Biomedical General repairs |
250 | [90] |
ME (FDM) | Polymers | Low cost of fabrication High speed of fabrication Simple to operate |
Poor mechanical properties Limited to polymers |
Biomedical Toys |
50−200 | [71,72] |
Sheet lamination (LOM) | Polymers Ceramics Metals Paper |
Reduce manufacturing and tool time Low cost Variety of materials allowable Good for large structure production |
Poor surface finish Poor dimensional accuracy Limitation for complex and intricate part manufacturing |
Electronics Smart structures Paper fabrication Aerospace |
Driven by laminate thickness | [77,89,90] |
Vat (SL) | Polymers | Fine resolution Excellent quality of finished product |
Applicable to limited materials Slow printing rate Expensive |
Biomedical | 10 | [84] |
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