Open Access

Table 5

Overview of classes of materials, applications, shortcomings, and benefits for various 3D/AM techniques [89].

Materials Major applications Benefits Drawbacks and shortcoming References
Polymer & composites Aerospace
Sports & recreation
Biomedical & Medical
Fast and rapid prototyping
Fabrication of complex structures
Mass customization of printed components
Cheaper than conventional methods
Selection of limited materials
Dimensional inaccuracy of finished product
Post-processing is needed (heat treatment, chemical etching, and machining of parts
Metals and its alloys Automotive
Optimization at a multifunctional level
Mass customization of printed products
Reduction in overall material wastage
Few assemblages of unit parts
Material repair of worn parts
Selection of limited materials
Dimensional inaccuracy of finished product
Post-processing is needed (heat treatment, chemical etching, and machining of unwanted parts
Ceramics Biomedical
Chemical industries
Great control of lattice porosities
Printing of scaffolds for human organs
Decreased time for overall fabrication
Control of composition and microstructure
Constraints based on material selections
Poor surface finish
Dimensional inaccuracy of finished product
Post processing technique, e.g., sintering
Concrete Infrastructure
Mass customization
No formwork required
Less need for labour especially for space construction and harsh environment
Layer-by-layer appearance
Mechanical properties are anisotropic
Inter-layer adhesion is poor
Upscaling for big buildings is a constraint
Few 3D printing methods available

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