Open Access
Table 6
Industries and typical components that are fabricated using AM [65].
Industry | Mechanical parts and components being fabricated | References |
Energy | Rotors, turbine nozzles, stators, down-hole tool components and models, flow meter parts, pressure gauge components, pump manifolds, control valve components and mud motor models | [60–62] |
Biomedical/ medical | Orthopedic and dental implants, implants for skull disorders and facial reconstruction, dentures, bridges and crown copings, artificial human organs (heart, kidney, and pacesetters. | [17,18,19–26,113–118] |
Motor vehicles | Spare parts, joint of chassis and shell parts for body of motor vehicles | [87–91] |
Footwear | Heels, insoles, customized footwears, and midsoles | [119,120] |
Aerospace | Plastic brackets, clips, actuators, hydraulic systems, metal fuel nozzles, pipe elbow for fuel systems, turbine blades, aircraft parts, ducts, cable stays, filters for communication satellites, Ti- and Al-based parts | [87–91,95,100,108–110] |
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