Open Access

Table 1

Different reinforcement preheating temperatures used by various authors in the preparation of composites.

S. No Matrix Reinforcement Reinforcement preheating temperature in °C Reinforcement preheating time in min Highest hardness value of composite References
1 AA7075 TiB (0, 4, 8, 12 wt.%) 500 135 VHN @ 12 wt.% addition [5]
2 Al2024 TiB (0, 3, 6, 9 wt.%) 450 30 129 VHN @ 9 wt.% addition [6]
3 Al7075 TiB2 (0, 3, 6, 9 wt.%) 450 [10]
4 A356 Nano SiCp 850 (calcination),
250 (preheating)
120, NA [13]
5 A356 SiC and Al2O3 coated with Ni and Cu 350 120 118 HV @ Ni coated Al2O3 + Cu coated SiC [11]
6 A356 Al2O3 and SiC coated with Cu 350 120 190 HV @ 1.5 wt.% Al2O3 and 1.5 wt.% SiC addition [16]
7 Al6061 TiB2 (3, 6, 9 wt.%) 250 120 150 HV @ 9 wt.% addition [7]
8 A356 WC (0–4 wt.%) 595 120 HV @ 4 wt.% addition [17]
9 Al7075 SiC + Al2O3 800 120 [18]
10 Al6061 TiB2 (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 wt.%) 670 73.93 HV @ 10 wt.% TiB2 addition [19]
11 LM25 TiC (10 wt.%) 350 25 129 HV @10 wt.% of TiC addition [20]

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