Open Access
Table 7
Cited references and citing articles of cluster 8 on polymers (top 5)
Cited references | Cited articles | |
Cites | Author (Year) Journal, Volume, Page | Author (Year) Title |
177 | Ngo [80] (2018) COMPOS PART B-ENG, 143, 172-196 | Garces (2021) Advances in additive manufacturing of shape memory polymer composites [93]. |
148 | Wang [82] (2017) COMPOS PART B-ENG, 110, 442-458 | Kuang (2019) Advances in 4d printing: materials and applications [91]. |
119 | Ligon [83] (2017) CHEM REV, 117, 10212-10290 | Rastogi (2019) Breakthrough in the printing tactics for stimuli-responsive materials: 4d printing [92]. |
101 | Hager [81] (2015) PROG POLYM SCI, 49-50, 3-33 | Zhang (2019) Magnetic programming of 4d printed shape memory composite structures [96]. |
83 | Lee [15] (2017) ENGINEERING-PRC, 3, 663-674 | Miao (2017) 4d printing of polymeric materials for tissue and organ regeneration [60]. |
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