Open Access

Table 1

Comparison of HVF processes (form [6]).

Explosive forming Electromagnetic forming Electrohydraulic forming

Standoff Contact Confined Bridge wire Spark discharge
Size limits 6 m diam. 6 m diam. 1.5m diam 0.3 m diam. 1.2 m diam. 1.2 m diam.
Shape complexity Moderately Simple Complex Complex Complex Complex
Advantages Large parts High pressures Reduced operations for complex shapes Controllability & repeatability Controllability & repeatability Controllability & repeatability
Capital cost Low Low Low Moderate to high Moderate Moderate
Tooling cost Low Low Moderate Moderate to high Low Low
Production rate 0.4–4 pts/hr 0.4–4 pts/hr 2–12 pts/hr To 1000 pts/hr 4–12 pts/hr To 50 pts/hr
Leadtime Short Short Short Moderate to long Moderate to long Moderate
Facility Remote In-plant or remote In-plant or remote In-plant In-plant In-plant

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