Open Access
Table 1
Problems description in IoT&RFID literature.
Authors | Year | Research object | Problems description |
Heese | 2007 | Inventory management | Conduct empirical research |
Fan et al. | 2015 | Inventory management | More different scenarios Wholesale price contracts other than the contract should be considered |
Dai et al. | 2012 | Real-time manufacturing | More labor cost is needed More Advanced technology is needed |
Zhong et al. | 2015 | Production planning and scheduling | Lack of extension Make more use of RFID production data logistics tracking |
Lu et al. | 2016 | Locating approach | Reduce cost Verify feasibility and practicality |
Wamba & Chatfield |
2009 | Supply chain network projects | The model needs to be tested and validated Upstream suppliers involved in different logistics SCM networks should be considered |
Sari | 2010 | Supply chain performance | More complex SCM structures should be simulated Many other strategies should be considered |
Ferrer et al. | 2011 | Remanufacturing operations | Hardly applying to every component More money and technical support on tagging individual items The RTLS tag should be used |
Jangirala et al. | 2019 | Authentication protocol | Lack of Implement in a real-world environment |
Zhong et al. | 2015 | Logistics trajectory Discovery |
Mined invaluable knowledge will be used A method based on entropy should be studied |
Ruiz-Garcia & Lunadei | 2011 | Agriculture | Improve the readability of RFID tags Reduce the cost of RFID tags Properly integrate RFID data collection and decision support tools Extend the battery life of active tags Improve the processing power |
Tzounis et al. | 2017 | Agriculture | Solve information risk |
Yan et al. | 2017 | Fresh agricultural products | More variable is needed |
Li et al. | 2017 | Food supply chain | Evaluate the scalability and compatibility in the actual situation Data analysis tools should be further explored Establish an effective early warning system |
Njomane, & Telukdarie |
2022 | Food supply chain | More sustainable front |
Hu et al. | 2023 | Vaccine supply chain | Build complex models that take into account various factors Reduce cost |
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