Open Access
Table 3
Problem description in blockchain literature
Authors | Year | Research object | Problem description |
Khanna et al. | 2022 | Safety and Traceability |
Real-time complexity Difficult to interconnect multiple dairy supply chains operating in different regions |
Zhang et al. | 2020 | Safety and Traceability |
Supply chain information management is still unverifiable in terms of the credibility of the information collected versus the questions asked |
Li et al. | 2022 | Safety and Traceability |
Structured data is well researched, but storage and traceability queries for unstructured data such as video are still more difficult Credibility of data sources cannot be guaranteed |
Fu et al. | 2022 | Supply chain Financing |
Manual data entry is vulnerable to tampering The consensus mechanism of BFS is not yet perfect |
Su et al. | 2022 | Supply chain Financing |
Parameters affecting the choice of financing strategy are not adequately considered The company's reputation and the uncertainty of the market environment are not taken into account. No dynamic incentive mechanism designed Autonomy and protection issues, privacy issues |
Haque et al. | 2021 | Smart contract | Large amounts of data will affect latency and further research will be required on off-chain transactions Off-chain architecture will need to be used to preserve the raw data |
Chang et al. | 2019 | Smart contract | Privacy concerns, a lack of standards and protocols, legal issues, and an intolerance for mistakes Does not apply to all supply chain cases and applicability to certain scenarios still needs to be kept in doubt |
Omar et al. | 2021 | Smart contract | Lack of transparency and trust among stakeholders Poor leadership, poor communication, conflicts of interest, cost savings |
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