Open Access
Table 1
Harmful gasses produced from tail gas of ICE vehicles and their adverse effects.
Harmful gas | Adverse effects |
Carbon monoxide (CO) | Carbon monoxide (CO) displaces oxygen from the blood. It is fatal at high concentrations and exacerbates heart disease at lower concentrations. |
Hydrocarbons (HC) | Hydrocarbons (HC) are carcinogens and form photochemical smog in the atmosphere. |
Oxides of nitrogen (NOX) | Oxides of nitrogen (NOX) contribute to acidic rain, the formation of ozone, and photochemical smog in the atmosphere. |
Particulate matter (PM) | Particulate matter (PM) can cause cardiovascular and lung diseases due to soot particles, and metallic and sulfate particles from the tail gas and engine lubricate. |
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