Open Access
Table 2
Performance of 3D printed batteries vs conventional manufactured (CV) batteries.
Fabrication methods | Comments | References | ||
AM | CV | |||
Electrode performance (mAh g-1) | Electrode performance (mAh g-1) | Current density (C) | ||
158.3 | 152 | 0.3 | The precise streamline of the 3D-printed porous network structure of the electrodes improved the movement of the charges in the ink flow field triggering a higher performance capacity. | [75] |
451.1 | 339.4 | 0.1 | The rigorous geometrical precision of the 3D printed comb-like interconnected channels enhanced the electrochemical properties of the electrode to outperform the conventional cast electrode. | [76] |
150.21 | 103.38 | 10 | The exceptional performance of the printed cathode was due to the porous networks of hierarchical structure that enhance the electrolyte diffusion to provoke a higher electrochemical performance. | [77] |
147.4 | 140.8 | 0.3 | The precise streamline of the 3D-printed porous network structure of the electrodes improved the movement of the charges in the ink flow field triggering a higher performance capacity. | [75] |
145.8 | 138.3 | 0.3 | The precise streamline of the 3D-printed porous network structure of the electrodes improved the movement of the charges in the ink flow field triggering a higher performance capacity. | [75] |
140.67 | 90.64 | 20 | The high operational output of the 3D printed cathode was due to the porous networks of hierarchical structure that enhance the electrolyte diffusion to provoke a higher electrochemical performance. | [77] |
117 ± 6 | 110 ± 5 | 2.0 | Due to the geometrical precision that yields a higher aspect ratio the 3D samples demonstrated a higher energy and power density. | [78] |
82 | 61 | 10 | The electrochemical performance of the batteries was increased due to the well-interconnected network of interdigitated hybrid 3D structures. | [79] |
87 | 24.1 | 2 | The hierarchical intricate porous 3D structures improve the electrolyte diffusion of the cell leading to the high-performance output of the 3D printed batteries. | [76] |
∼82 | ∼60 | 10 | The precise control of the interconnected hierarchical solid content of 3D-printed electrodes improves the performance output of the batteries. | [80] |
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