Open Access
Table 1.
Maintenance strategy evolution.
Maintenance strategy | Reactive maintenance (RM) | Preventive maintenance (PM) | Predictive maintenance (PdM) | Prognostics & health management (PHM) |
Maintenance interval | Fail and fix | Time based; usage based | Reliability based; condition based | Improve & sustain |
Object | Component | Component; function; | Component; function; system | Component; function; system |
Planning & Scheduling | Planning on the fly | Planning & scheduling based on optimal PM interval | Predictive planning & scheduling | Proactive planning & scheduling |
Failure severity and frequency | Low severity, low frequency | Low to medium severity, high frequency | Medium to high severity, low frequency | High impact, high frequency |
Human factor (inspection & decision-making) | High | Intermediate | Low | Low (false alarm) |
Cost effectiveness | Labor intensive; Labor and material | Costly due to over maintenance or ineffective & inefficient PM | Cost-effective; extended life & less failure-induced costs | Cost-effective: Substantially save failures & extend the life of equipment |
Requirement for technology readiness | Low | Low | High | High |
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