Open Access

Table 3

Storage properties of inorganic high temperature PSMs.

Nr. Crt. Compound Melting temperature [°C] Latent heat
1 MgCl2 * 6H2O 117 165–168, 6
2 NaOH 64, 3 227, 6
3 LiNO3 254 360
4 KNO3 333 266
5 MgCl2 714 452
6 NaCl 800 492
7 NaCO3 854 276
8 KF 857 452
9 K2CO3 897 236
10 KOH 380 145
12 67%KNO3 + 33%LiNO3 133 170
12 54%KNO3 + 46%NaNO3 222 100
13 68%KCl + 31.9%ZnCl2 235 198

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