Open Access

Table 1

Basic material parameters of the simulation model.

Serial number Structure name Texture Thickness/mm Density (kg/m3) Relative dielectric constant Conductivity (S/m) Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Wire core Copper / 8.9×103 10000 5.9×107 385
Conductor shield Semiconducting materials 1 1.1×103 100 10 0.290
Cable insulation Crosslinked polyethylene 16 0.91×103 2.3 10−15 0.325
Stress cone /
Filling insulation Silicone oil / 0.97×103 2.77 10−14 0.120
Reinforced insulation Traditional silicone rubber 68 1.15×103 3.5 / 0.250
Non-linear silicone rubber 1.275×103 4.21 / 0.379
Sleeve Crosslinked polyethylene 10 0.91×103 2.3 10−15 0.325
Umbrella skirt Ceramics / 3.65×103 5.5 10−12 2.000

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