Open Access

Table 6

ANOVA for temperature at the cutting edge (θ).

Sources DOF Seq
sum of the squares
mean square
F-value % contribution
Model 9 2.009E + 005 22320 70.08  
V 1 74185.28 74185 232.92 35.9599
S 1 91248.04 91248 286.49 44.23075
ap 1 12545.65 12545 39.39 6.081265
V * S 1 8718.24 8718 27.37 4.226001
V * ap 1 168.04 168 0.53 0.081454
S * ap 1 134.43 134 0.42 0.065162
V2 1 2123.07 2123 6.67 1.029118
S2 1 1393.38 1393 4.37 0.675414
ap2 1 0.46 0.46 1.454E-003 0.000223
Residual 17 5414.48 318   2.624566
Total 26 2.063E + 005     100

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