Open Access
Table 2
Parameters used in cost modeling.
Denotation | Definition |
CCM (20k) | “Total unit cost” in CM_20k case |
CCM (100k) | “Total unit cost” in CM_100k case |
CAM_method_A | “Total unit cost” in AM method_A case |
CAM_method_B | “Total unit cost” in AM method_B case |
n | “Part counts” |
O | “Other unit cost” in production, which is a very small amount and volume independent This is the summation of CM assembly, operator, and materials; the machine cost approaches 0 independent of the batch size; and the “O” value is assumed to be the same for both CM_20k and CM_100k |
TCM (20k) | “Tooling unit cost” (mold design cost breakdown + mold cost) in CM_20k case |
TCM (100k) | “Tooling unit cost” (mold design cost breakdown + mold cost) in CM_100k case |
M | “Mold design cost,” which is one time cost per batch, a constant, and volume dependent |
m | “mold unit cost” in production, which is a constant and volume independent |
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