Open Access
Table 7
Properties of HMMCs based on other compounds.
Reinforcement | Production approach | Properties achieved | References |
Graphite | Milling processes and hot extrusion |
yield strength, the maximum strength and the Vickers micro hardness were enhanced as a function of graphite particles content and milling time, but the elongation was reduced significantly in some cases | [5] |
MWCNT | Stir casting | Micro hardness and tensile strength increase by 6% and 25%. The wear rate and coefficient of friction of composites are decreased by 39% and 48% at a sliding speed of 3 m/s. In addition, the metal removal rate decreases by 40% and the surface roughness enhanced by 38% respectively |
[32] |
MoSi2 | Stir Casting | With increase in applied load, mode of material removal changes as ploughing, delamination, crater formation and plastically deformed layers. Particle content and frictional heating affect the wear characteristics. With increase in applied load, performance (wear resistance) of composite has been found to be improved when compared with that of the monolith |
[38] |
ZrB2/hBN | Stir-squeeze cast technique. | The ZrB2 particles reinforced composite showed an improvement in hardness compared to as-cast and hBN containing composite. A minor reduction in the hardness of ZrB2-hBN hybrid composite was observed |
[39] |
Ag nanoparticles | Mechanical milling | Micro hardness increases as Ag-C NP content increases. Micro hardness increases in the nanocomposite as the milling time increases. By combining nanoparticles dispersion and MM process it is possible to obtain better properties than those reached by T73 and T6 tempers in AA7075 alloy |
[75] |
Graphite | Mechanical alloying and hot extrusion | Considerable improvement in MMC hardness and wear resistance by adding 1.5% graphite (wt.) and 10 h of milling, showed homogenous distribution of the reinforcement particles in the Al-based MMC | [77] |
TiB2 | In-situ | The ductility of MMC rises with temperature in the range 350-400°C, and reduces in the range 400-450°C | [97] |
TiB2 | In-situ | AA7075-E⁓75GPa, Mohs hardness⁓2.3GPa, Vickers hardness⁓180 VHN. AA7075 + 1.5 vol% TiB2-E⁓80 GPa, Mohs hardness⁓3 GPa, Vickers hardness⁓200 VHN |
[98] |
Si3N4 | Stir casting | Increase in silicon nitride reinforcement the micro hardness improved. The micro hardness showed a decreasing trend with the increase in indentation load and a decreasing trend with the increase in dwell time |
[100] |
Si3N4 | Stir casting | Tensile strength and flexural strength of HT AMCs were increased up to 8% wt. Si3N4 addition, but decreased at 12% wt. Si3N4 addition in AA7075. Wear loss of 12% wt. Si3N4 reinforced HT AMCs was decreased up to 37.17% as compared to HT AA 7075 matrix. Whereas, COF of 12% wt. Si3N4 reinforced HT AMCs was decreased up to 11.03% as compared to pure HT AA 7075 |
[101] |
Si3N4 | Stir casting | The presence of Porosity, consequently, decreases most of the mechanical properties of cast MMCs. By means of heat treatment also we can reduce porosity by heating the metal |
[102] |
VN | Ball milling and hot-press sintering | The hardness (119.5 Hv) of 15 wt.% VN/7075 composite was 46.1% higher than the AA7075 alloy (81.8 Hv). The friction coefficient of 15 wt.% VN/7075 composite decreased by 37.6% compared with the AA7075 alloy |
[103] |
CNTs | PM | After aging treatment, the CNTs/7075 Al composites had the peak hardness of 151.4 HV. CNTs/7075 Al composites exhibited a tensile strength of 558.3 MPa and an elongation of 7.7% |
[104] |
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