Open Access

Table 2

Typical application of commonly used Nimonic superalloys.

Alloy Applications References
Nimonic 75 Engines of high-performance sports cars, gas turbine blades in the furnace for the heat treatment process, industrial thermal processing components [23]
Nimonic 80A Gas turbine components (discs, rings, blades), furnace, automotive exhaust valve, power units, manufacturing of fasteners, jet engines, die-casting inserts and cores, nuclear boiler tube supports [2426]
Nimonic 90 Turbine blades, discs, high-temperature springs, exhaust re-heaters, hot working tools, forging components [27,28]
Nimonic C263 Gas turbine blades, power generators, heat exchangers, exhaust ducting, bearing housing, the combustion chamber of the gas engine, [29,30]

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