Open Access

Table 6

ANOVA results of the LR model for the percentage of suspension volume and .

Source DoF* Seq. SS* Contribution Adj. SS* Adj. MS* F*- ratio (obtained) F*-ratio (critical) p-value Remarks
Model 2 146.542 78.79% 146.542 73.271 11.14 F (2,8) = 4.46 0.010 Significant
Linear 2 146.542 78.79% 146.542 73.271 11.14 F (2,8) = 4.46 0.005 Significant
ωp 1 1.500 0.81% 1.500 1.500 0.23 F (1,8) = 5.32 0.650 Insignificant
ωa 1 145.042 77.98% 145.042 145.042 22.05 F (1,8) = 5.32 0.003 Significant
Error 6 39.458 21.21% 39.458 6.576        
Total 8 186.000 100.00%            
Model 3 13.8889 95.42% 13.8889 4.6296 34.71 F (3,8) = 4.07 0.001 Significant
Linear 2 12.2084 83.88% 2.0242 1.0121 7.59 F (2,8) = 4.46 0.023 Significant
ωp 1 12.0417 82.73% 1.8575 1.8575 13.93 F (1,8) = 5.32 0.014 Significant
ωa 1 0.1667 1.15% 0.1667 0.1667 1.25 F (1,8) = 5.32 0.314 Insignificant
Square 1                
ωp × ωp 1 1.6806 11.55% 1.6806 1.68056 12.60 F (1,8) = 5.32 0.016 Significant
Error 5 0.6667 4.58% 0.6667 0.1333        
Total 8 14.5556 100%            

*DoF: Degree of freedom; Seq. SS: Sequential sum of squares; Adj. SS: Adjusted sum of squares; Adj. MS: Adjusted mean square; F-ratio: Fisher's- ratio.

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