Open Access

Table 2

Natural fiber based micro wave absorber with different manufacturing and additive loading.

No. Bulk material Additive Method of
Recommended amount or method RL min. (dB), or
Absorption in%
Frequency range for RL < −10 dB References
1 Hemp fiber mats Al sheet Laminate assembly layer by layer Hemp fiber with two layers––––––––––––
Hemp fiber with three layers––––––––––––
Two Hemp fiber with one Al layers–––––––––
Two Hemp fiber with two Al layers––––––––––

2 Kenaf fiber composites Cu Magnetron sputtering 0.5 hr. magnetron sputtering–
3 hrs. –––––
–23.8 dB,
–32.5 dB,
–43.3 dB,
–48.3d B
8 −12 GHz
8 −12 GHz
8 −12 GHz
8 −12 GHz
3 Kenaf fiber-composites Fe Fiber magnetization 6.8%, –––––––
15.9% –––––––
18% –––––––
75–80%@9 to 11 GHz

4 jute fiber composites iron iron powder was mixed manually with epoxy resin jute: Iron: epoxy ratio
20: 35: 45–––––––––
20: 40: 40–––––––––
20: 50: 30–––––––––
20: 55: 25, –––––––
–27 dB for thickness value 8.5 mm@12 GHz
–34.8 dB for thickness value 8.5 mm@11 GHz
–19 dB for thickness value 8 and 8.5 mm@9.8 and 10.8 GHz
−15 dB for thickness 6 mm@11.1 GHz
11.5–12.4 GHz
10.5 − 11.5 GHz
10–11.25 GHz for 8 mm, 9–9.5 GHz for 8.5 mm
10.5–12 GHz

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