Open Access

Table 3

Model Parameters and Regression Coefficients for MRR, EWR, and Ra.

Term MRR model
EWR model
Ra model
Coef. T-value P-value Coef. T-value P-value Coef. T-value P-value
Constant 3.8636 76.97 0.000 0.2438 16.11 0.000 5.7562 201.25 0.000
A 1.2738 17.94 0.000 0.1764 11.66 0.000 0.9651 36.68 0.000
B −0.9254 −13.04 0.000 −0.0876 −5.79 0.000 0.5778 21.96 0.000
C −0.7318 −10.31 0.000 −0.0803 −5.30 0.000 −0.1868 −7.10 0.000
A2 0.0471 2.20 0.046 0.3443 6.86 0.000
B2 0.1176 2.34 0.041
C2 −0.6954 −13.86 0.000
A B −0.3114 −3.92 0.002 −0.1027 −6.07 0.000 −0.0686 −2.33 0.042
A C −0.3162 −3.98 0.001 −0.0898 −5.31 0.000 −0.1380 −4.69 0.001
B C −0.1445 −4.91 0.001

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